A Fly You Just Can't Swat

Have you ever had a passing thought? Just an ordinary passing thought that goes as quickly as it had come, and you don’t really think twice about it.

Until it comes back.

And then you’ve got this recurring thought that you ponder for a while every now and then. Until it becomes a real nagging pain and has infiltrated a lot of your evenings and really made its home in your life.

That’s what writing this blog has been for me (see image for what this feels similar to).

Image result for swat a fly 

Just a few years ago, I had the first thought to start a blog (and by the way, I genuinely loathe the word blog. I’d much rather call this an editorial, or a discussion post, or even an informative writing than a blog. Blogging sounds very childish and “millennial” to me, and if we’re honest, no one likes the intonation that goes along with being referred to as a “millennial”).

At the time, I legitimately thought that idea was insane; if anyone knows me, they know that I hate having the spotlight of life on me. I am never the one to raise my hand in class, never the one to make an announcement in front of a group, and definitely not the one to begin spewing a whole bunch of intricate and delicate details of my life to anyone who will listen.

Anyway, this thought would become dormant until the next 6 months had passed, and then rear its ugly head again. I, being the responsible adult that I am, dismissed all inklings about the idea and pretended it didn’t exist.

However, after a few more months, I noticed that I kept feeling the urge to think of topics I could write about, or titles of articles (not blog posts, wink) that I could write and found myself longing to actually do it.

When this thought became a daily nuisance, I began researching and exploring how in the world this whole thing works, and while I think I have an idea now, I am by NO means going to do this flawlessly.

So have a little grace with me and my first few weeks (read: months) of managing this site.

As I’ve already said, I am certainly not someone who loves to share all the gory details about what is going on in my personal life or in my emotions, so don’t be surprised when that’s not what the vast majority of this site will be about.

I am, however, planning to be as real and honest with you all as I can, and I will try to be someone who is down-to-earth as well as informative about this wild thing called life.

Some topics I plan to touch on during this whole experience are:

  • Daily life and marriage
  • Health, physical therapy, and exercise
  • Faith and encouragement
  • Food and cooking
  • Travel and outdoor adventures

These topics really get to the core of who I am and what I love (the things that are 100% nearest and dearest to my heart), so I hope there is something you find interesting on the list, and also that you’ll be open minded to exploring and hearing more about those topics that don’t initially draw your attention or that you shy away from.

On the other end of the seesaw, I will do my part to be consistent (as much as life as a busy graduate student and wife allows), entertaining, and open.

Let’s try to forget the fact that I almost decided to keep my identity as the owner of this site anonymous; needless to say, I’ll be working on my openness. Baby steps, people.

Image result for thought that won't leave you alone

Thank you for starting this journey with me, and feel free to tell me what you think. What are some of the things you've been feeling like you should do, but you don't necessarily want to?

I’d love to hear from you!



  1. I am so excited for the start of this! I've wanted to blog for a few years now too, but never had the courage or knowledge on how to do it. Also everything you listed I am totally into (as you know hehe), can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you, you’re too kind to me! You could totally start one. I’m excited to share some actual content before long!


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