A Little About Me

Hey everyone,

I guess I should take some time to really introduce myself. I’m Kerri, the pen and face behind the Pursuit of Purpose blog.

I may end up referring to this as PoP, but the jury’s still out on that one.

I grew up in Lancaster, PA and that place will forever hold a special place in my heart. There really is no place quite like it, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I now live in the Washington DC area and am in my final year of physical therapy school at Marymount University.

Side note: If you really want to get me talking about something I adore, bring up the topic of physical therapy with me.

There are very few people who I believe genuinely LOVE what they’re learning about and doing as a profession as much as I love PT. I can talk for hours about it, which is saying something because I am not a huge socialite.

I originally came to this area for school, but I got the added bonus of my husband having grown up in this area as well, so his family lives nearby. That, in itself, has been such a blessing for me to have in this place that is so unlike everything I’m used to.

My husband’s name is Bryson, and he was lucky enough to marry me (just kidding, I am 100% the lucky one) a little over a year ago.

He is a champ, my much better half, and my very best friend. He is the absolute best at dealing with me when I have a million things going on at once and let's just say, when I’m not the most pleasant ray of sunshine.

We love the outdoors and having all sorts of adventures together.

We’ve actually been able to do a fair amount of cool things together since we started dating in 2013; hiking, white-water kayaking, canoeing, camping, mountain biking, mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, backpacking, and so on.

There’s nothing we love more than time in the fresh air and a great view.

We met in college at Bucknell University (‘Ray Bucknell!) where we were both student athletes (I’m sure I’ll tell our story sometime), so being active is very important for both of us.

We sometimes grumble about actually getting up to do a workout, but the feeling you get after doing something effortful or exhausting is one that can’t be replaced.

Now I do a lot of running, while Bryson’s sport of choice these days is mountain biking.

More than almost anything, we want to have a very very large dog. Now, there’s no way we’d ever get a dog while we’re living this apartment-life, but I thought that was something that’s vital to you understanding us (haha).

In the times when I’m not in class, exercising, or spending time with Bryson, you can find me in the kitchen. I love to cook and I love to bake, which is apparently rare.

I’ve been told that most people love one and dislike the other, but I can’t get enough of both.

I’m on a constant mission to find recipes that are delicious, healthy, quick, and new-to-us (most of the time, not all of those categories are met, but man oh man when they are, it’s something magical).

You can expect to have me share whatever recipe is newest on my list of favorites throughout the posts on here, for sure.

Another thing that’s very important to me is my faith. I am a Christian, and I take that seriously.

I love the church we attend in Burke, VA, and the “young married couple’s life group” that we’re a part of through Burke Community Church has been one of our favorite things about living in this area.

We’ve made so many friendships and grown in our faith through encouragement of one another in that group.

If you don’t belong to a life group, I can’t recommend joining one enough!

Thanks for letting me share a little about myself today. Let me know what’s important to you; I’d love to chat and get to know you a little better!

Also, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you can spend it with those who make your heart happy :)


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