A Never-Disappointing 30-Minute treadmill HIIT Workout

Heyo! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

It's been super cold here and all I've wanted to do is hunker down inside my warm apartment and watch the Great British Baking Show, so I thought this would be an excellent time to share a nice treadmill HIIT workout to help you stay fit and avoid unnecessary shivers.

This is a workout that I’ve used and loved for years (just altering speeds to my improvements, etc).

Man Standing on Bridge

This was particularly helpful when I was training for my marathon, on days where only around 3 miles were on my schedule (between those longer run days). It was so nice to break up the monotony that can sometimes sink in during a distance race training cycle.

But let’s be real here, no runner enjoys running on a treadmill. I mean, I’d probably rather go freeze my toes off than do a run longer than 4 miles on the treadmill, but alas, sometimes it must be done. And this is the workout to help you realize treadmill running doesn't have to be so bad!

Person Sitting on Gray Pavement

This workout is my tried-and-true favorite for those days when you just can’t make it happen outside in the cold (or in the mid-afternoon, summer heat for that matter).

Woman With White Sunvisor Running

Like I said, this baby has been in my wheelhouse for a solid 3 years and I still enjoy doing it whenever an indoor workout is necessary.

And there are so many simple ways to alter it to your fitness level! Increases or decreases of 0.5 mph or 1.0 mph (for all speeds) can make it a wildly different workout. Also, decreasing the rest time by elongating the sprint time by 10 seconds can also make a the workout feel totally different each time you try it.

Let me know if you try it and what you think! What other treadmill workouts do you use that make exercising indoors more bearable? 

Let me know in the comments and have an excellent rest of your week!


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