5 Simple-yet-effective, equipment-free exercises

Looking for a workout that hits many major muscle groups, takes little time or space, and no equipment? I certainly can’t be the only one. This workout is perfect for those who want to get the most bang-for-their-buck with the least amount of inconvenience in terms of bulky equipment/machines or space.

Woman Lacing Up Her Gray and Pink Nike Low-top Athletic Shoe

Perfect for in a hotel room where there’s no gym (okay, so most hotels have gyms nowadays, but also perfect for if you just don’t feel like venturing down to the gym and having other people ogle at you; we know, it happens).

The introvert inside me secretly loves when I can accomplish all that I want to do to be productive, without having to make awkward small-talk with strangers. Sorry, not sorry about it.

These exercises I picked are all very simple, but hit most major areas of the body and target large muscle groups in order to burn lots of calories and gain strength. Without further ado, the simple yet killer, equipment-free lift session workout.

1. Squats

Image result for body weight squats

Bodyweight Squats/goblet squats/pistol squats (any kind of squats, really). These work the entire lower body, as well as core, and are extremely functional. Just think how often in your life you sit down and stand up. As a young person, you may not appreciate this as much, but older people really cherish this simple skill once the struggle becomes all too real just to stand up.

2. Push-ups

Man Push-up on White Floor

A classic exercise for arm and chest strengthening, but people don’t realize the immense core strength that this exercise requires. Also some quad and hip activation to keep the knees from collapsing down with gravity, or the butt from “pikeing” up throughout the movement. Bonus: add an extra push from the shoulder blades at the top of the push-up to engage serratus anterior and get some extra shoulder work in. Really, a full body workout in one exercise.

3. Lunges

Woman in Green Sports Bra and Black Leggings Doing Leg Lunges

As I’ve heard from others, the glutes will save your life. Lunges are such an overlooked, but useful, exercise! Lots of leg and glute strengthening happening here, and also some core for balance and stability.  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use your hands to brace yourself on your leg or to help push yourself back up (as shown in the picture). This keeps your core from doing its job, and most people could definitely use a stronger core!

4. Planks

Woman Exercising Bear Body of Water

Another classicly amazing exercise for the whole body. The art of staying still is something that a lot of people underestimate. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a forearm plank, high plank, or side plank; all are wonderful and challenging. Core, glutes, quads, and shoulder stability are all main players in this exercise and really, if you have perfect form, doing a plank gets very difficult very early on. Make sure to engage the core so as to keep a neutral spine and protect the back (any sagging is a dangerous game). Bonus points for keeping your hands apart when planking on your forearms.

5. Dips

Image result for tricep dips

Dips can be really hard on the front of the shoulder, so make sure to keep that in mind when attempting this exercise; with any sign of discomfort, change form or abandon ship. Do these off of the side of a bench rather than from on the floor to avoid extra strain on the shoulders. These are great for challenging the shoulder complex and triceps.

Be sure, above all else, to listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. Scale any exercise down to the level that you need for optimum benefits.

I would love to add in a scapular retraction type of exercise (for shoulder blades/upper back posture) to really round out this full-body workout, but really haven’t come across many that don’t involve weights or bands. I’s, T’s, and Y’s are always an option (unweighted), but they don’t pack the same kind of punch as what I’m going for. Any suggestions?

Person Facing Background

Thanks for reading! What’d you think of my staple exercises? What would you change? Have an excellent day!


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